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Polished Stainless Steel or Chrome Plating?

 Mario heated towel rails covering never peel off ... because there is no! Since all heated towel rails are made...
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Even More Savings with Eco Mode

 Even more savings? Yes! Now all the Mario electric towel rails with a dry heater have a new additional function...
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Safe and Eco-friendly Towel Rails

 Mario towel rails are safe for health. All of them are certified in the EU and UK and have safety...
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Brushed Stainless Steel Towel Rails

 If you don’t like the extra gloss surface and want to get a stylish and not trivial alternative to the...
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Efficient Towel Rail for a Small Bathroom

Drying things conveniently in a small bathroom?? It is possible with a rotative heated towel rail! The Mario product range...
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Safe Electric Towel Rails

 Mario electric towel rails are safe and reliable. As all of them follow the Low Voltage Directive (LVD) and have...
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Full Control of Your Towel Rail and Expenses

 Mario electric towel rail with a dry heater works only when it’s needed and helps you to cut your expenses,...
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Poczuj się pewnie dzięki ochronie IP44

 Podgrzewane wieszaki na ręczniki Mario są chronione przed kurzem i wilgocią    Świadczy o tym certyfikowany stopień ochrony powłoki IP44....
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Electric Towel Rails Compatible with Home Appliances

 Mario towel rails are safe and compatible with other electrical appliances. It is stated in the European Certificate of electromagnetic...
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Connection Side No Longer Matters

 Do you need a right or left connection of the electric towel rail with a dry heater? You may not...
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Towel Rail Color in the Interior

 Interior design isn't the easiest process but it's very exciting! When it comes to the bathroom it's very important to...
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Mario Certificates

 Mario towel rails are safe and reliable!    And that’s not only our motto but a fact confirmed by 19...
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